By Maxime Lagacé
Maxime is the founder of WisdomQuotes. He has been collecting quotes since 2004. His goal? To help you develop a calm and peaceful mind. Learn more about him on his about page.
Here are 100 of the most inspiring self-worth quotes I could find. The goal? To make you believe in yourself even more. You’ll discover beautiful words by Gandhi, Oprah, Thoreau, Emerson, and lots more. Enjoy!
Your self-worth grows when you fight for something you love. Maxime Lagacé
If you know your true worth, you do not need anyone else to confirm it. Alan Cohen
Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone to tell you who you are. Beyoncé Knowles
Be a good person, but don’t waste your time trying to prove it. Paulo Coelho
Asking for what you need is proof of self-worth. Amanda Goetz
Your sense of self-worth comes from you alone — never the opinion of others. Robert Greene
Don’t waste a second of your time convincing other people you’re worth loving. Atticus
I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence. Frederick Douglass
You can’t be successful and loved by everyone. Choose wisely. Maxime Lagacé
Go all in on yourself. Jack Butcher
Only make decisions that support your self-image, self-esteem, and self-worth. Oprah Winfrey
Strong people have a strong sense of self-worth and self-awareness; they don’t need the approval of others. Roy T. Bennett
True abundance isn’t based on our net worth, it’s based on our self-worth. Gabrielle Bernstein
You are not what you’ve done. You are what you keep doing. Jack Butcher
Someone who doesn’t care, can’t be hurt. Naval Ravikant
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The Best Self-Worth Quotes
The only opinion of me that I care for is my own, and the only timeframe is now. Naval Ravikant
Self-worth comes from one thing – thinking that you are worthy. Wayne Dyer
Your self-worth has nothing to do with your craft or calling, and everything to do with how you treat yourself. Kris Carr
All you can do in regard to your own life is choose the best path that you believe in. Ichiro Kishimi
As a mountain of rock is unshaken by wind, so also, the wise are unperturbed by blame or by praise. The Dhammapada
Few people have the wisdom to prefer the criticism that would do them good, to the praise that deceives them. François de La Rochefoucauld
Those who do not attempt to appear more than they are but are simply themselves, stand out as remarkable and are the only ones who truly make a difference in this world. Eckhart Tolle (A New Earth, Amazon book)
Trust yourself. At the root, at the core, there is pure sanity, pure openness. Don’t trust what you have been taught, what you think, what you believe, what you hope. Deeper than that, trust the silence of your being. Gangaji
A total acceptance of yourself brings about a total transcendence of yourself. Adyashanti
Those who realize the self are always satisfied. Having found the source of joy and fulfillment, they no longer seek happiness from the external world. Happiness can only be found within the self. Bhagavad Gita
The most common form of despair is not being who you are. Søren Kierkegaard
A stable sense of self-worth stems from putting identity above image: worrying less about what others think of us than what we think of ourselves. Adam Grant
When you know your worth, no one can fool you. Gary Goodridge (Source)
Our sense of self-worth is the single most important determinant of the health, abundance, and joy we allow into our lives. Dan Millman
The less you care what they think, the more your self-worth flowers. Maxime Lagacé
Know your self-worth. You might feel unwanted and unworthy to one person, but you are priceless to another. Mufti Menk
Rely upon yourself. Teach yourself. Accompany yourself. Have talks with yourself. Scold yourself. Commiserate with yourself. Work with yourself. Create art yourself. Inspire yourself. Take long walks with yourself. See yourself. Know yourself. Seek no other human in this world. Kapil Gupta
You are not responsible for other people’s opinions, feelings, or perceptions of you. They own that, not you. Shane Parrish
Focus on others and lose control. Focus on yourself and gain it. Maxime Lagacé
Most people go a majority of their life without even knowing who they are or what they want. Spend time with yourself. Thibaut
Being honest with who you are is a superpower. The more honest you are with yourself, the less anyone else can hurt you. Matthew Kobach
Dig within. There lies the wellspring of good: ever dig, and it will ever flow. Marcus Aurelius
To go wrong in one’s own way is better than to go right in someone else’s. Fyodor Dostoevsky
We cannot rise higher than our thought of ourselves. Orison Swett Marden
Part 2. Self-Worth Quotes That Are…
The Most Famous Self-Worth Quotes (Roosevelt, Thoreau, Emerson, etc.)
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt
How we treat others is a reflection of how we think about ourselves. John C. Maxwell
Self-worth sets the standard that life meets. Jewel
Our beliefs about what we are and what we can be, precisely determine what we will be. Tony Robbins
When your self-worth goes up, your net worth goes up with it. Mark Victor Hansen
What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates his fate. Henry David Thoreau
If you have an idea that you genuinely think is good, don’t let some idiot talk you out of it. Stan Lee (Marvel)
You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with. Wayne Dyer
Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered — either by themselves or by others. Mark Twain
How can a man come to know himself? Never by thinking, but by doing. Try to do your duty and you will know at once what you are worth. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you. Ralph Waldo Emerson
When the fight begins within himself, a man’s worth something. Robert Browning
He that respects himself is safe from others; he wears a coat of mail that none can pierce. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them. Mahatma Gandhi
What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are. C.S. Lewis
We only confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no big ones. François de La Rochefoucauld
Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself. Michel de Montaigne
Short Self-Worth Quotes
One-liners, short self-worth quotes, sayings, thoughts, and captions for your bio, social status, self-talk, motto, mantra, signs, posters, wallpapers, and backgrounds.
Bet on yourself. Anthony Pompliano
Make yourself a priority. Maxime Lagacé
Be you or be commoditized. Jack Butcher
I am not a has-been. I am a will be. Lauren Bacall
Knowing yourself makes living easier. Thibaut
Free yourself from others’ versions of you. Angela Jiang
There’s nothing to prove. Maxime Lagacé
You are whatever you tell yourself you are. Shane Parrish
How you spend your time defines who you are. Oprah Winfrey
You are underestimating the power of your voice. Jack Butcher
Do not live to satisfy the expectations of others. Ichiro Kishimi
Be proud to wear you. Dodinsky
Those who try to put you down are already below you. Gal Shapira
You want to find your voice? Shut out everyone else’s. Brian Norgard
The less you care about validation, the more you grow. @orangebook_
It’s arrogant to believe the universe has singled you out for either special blessing or curse. Ed Latimore (
If they don’t know you personally don’t take it personal. Gal Shapira
Just be yourself every single day, it’s the best role you’ll ever have. Thibaut
Inspirational Self-Worth Quotes
The one thing you can’t give up on is yourself. Brian Norgard
Prove that you believe in yourself by investing in your dreams. Mel Robbins
Every woman that finally figured out her worth, has picked up her suitcases of pride and boarded a flight to freedom, which landed in the valley of change. Shannon L. Alder
Action is a high road to self-confidence and esteem. Bruce Lee
The path of least resistance will never make you proud. Tony Robbins
We all have different gifts, so we all have different ways of saying to the world who we are. Fred Rogers
Be humble, for you are made of dung. Be noble, for you are made of stars. Serbian saying
Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. Osho
Accept and acknowledge your own brilliance. Stop waiting for others to tell you how great you are! Believe it for yourself. Iyanla Vanzant
Your sense of self-worth should not come from the chance of your birth, but from the things you accomplish. You cannot be born great, you can only become great. Matthew Kobach
Whenever you should doubt your self-worth, remember the lotus flower. Even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud, it does not allow the dirt that surrounds it to affect its growth or beauty. Suzy Kassem
Don’t play the game. Just do your own things. Just do the right things. Maxime Lagacé
Your ideas are valuable. Your success is valuable. Your failure is valuable. Your process is valuable. Your experience is valuable. Jack Butcher
Every woman that finally figured out her worth, has picked up her suitcases of pride and boarded a flight to freedom, which landed in the valley of change. Shannon L. Alder
A star does not compete with other stars around it; it just shines. Matshona Dhliwayo
The best ones often feel like outsiders. Makes sense. Nothing great is created from conformity. Kamal Ravikant
Don’t rush, it takes time to grow into who you are. Lalah Delia
If you had to choose only two qualities to get you through times of change, the first should be a sense of self-worth and the second a sense of humor. Jennifer James
By nature we are wise, kind, powerful, fearless, and absolutely unlimited. Byron Katie
It ain’t what they call you, it’s what you answer to. W.C. Fields
Key Takeaways
- Want to feel more valuable? Fight for something important to you.
- Once you have self-knowledge and self-understanding, you don’t need external validation anymore.
- Helping others can help you build self-worth.
- A sign of wisdom: you stop trying to show your worth to others.
- Remember: if you stay true to yourself you will:
- Not being loved by everyone
- Live a more meaningful life
- Live a more satisfying life
Further Readings
- Topic: Happiness
- 140 Self-Esteem Quotes To Improve The Way You See Yourself
- 10 tips for improving your self-worth (
- 65 Acceptance Quotes To Help You Embrace Life Fully
- How To Improve Your Mental Health – 36 Wellness Tips
- How To Be Happy: The 6 Happiness Pillars You Must Know
Table Of Contents
Part 1
Top 15 Images
Best Quotes
Part 2
Self-Worth Quotes That ARE
Part 3