118 Self-Respect Quotes To Give You More Power

By Maxime Lagacé

Maxime is the founder of WisdomQuotes. He has been collecting quotes since 2004. His goal? To help you develop a calm and peaceful mind. Learn more about him on his about page.

Here are 118 of the best self-respect quotes I could find. Remember: there are no shortcuts to inner peace, happiness, and self-respect. It’s a long road but it’s worth it. You’ll discover quotes by Einstein, Bruce Lee, Lao Tzu, and more. Enjoy!

self respect quotes yourself others will you confucius wisdom water nature mountain man

Respect yourself and others will respect you. Confucius

self respect quotes think reward for conformity that everyone likes you expect yourself rita mae brown wisdom people walking street

I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself. Rita Mae Brown

self respect quotes yourself enough walk away from anything that longer serves you grows makes happy robert tew wisdom nature landscape

Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy. Robert Tew

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Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. Bruce Lee

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Character — the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life — is the source from which self-respect springs. Joan Didion


self respect quotes ego false confidence true naval ravikant wisdom woman walking nature path

Ego is false confidence, self-respect is true confidence. Naval Ravikant

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If you don’t care to be liked, they can’t touch you. Naval Ravikant

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If you have earned your self-respect, respect by others is a luxury; if you haven’t, respect by others is a necessity. Nassim Nicholas Taleb

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Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself. Marcus Aurelius

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He that respects himself is safe from others. He wears a coat of mail that none can pierce. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


self respect quotes beautiful means yourself you dont need accepted others accept thich nhat hanh wisdom woman solitude

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. Thich Nhat Hanh

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The best gift you can give to others is your presence. The best gift you can give to yourself is perseverance. Maxime Lagacé

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The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself. Michel de Montaigne

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Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have. Robert Holden

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Externally, be humble. Internally, be confident. James Clear


The Best Self-Respect Quotes

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self respect quotes work improve yourself prove joshua becker wisdom hiking nature mountains

Work to improve yourself, not prove yourself. Joshua Becker

Saying yes or maybe when we mean no, cheapens our word, diminishes our sense of self-respect, and compromises our integrity. Paulo Coelho

Never esteem anything as of advantage to you that will make you break your word or lose your self-respect. Marcus Aurelius

It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own. Marcus Aurelius

Determination, courage, self-confidence lead to success, but we should always remain humble, modest and unpretentious. 14th Dalai Lama

You become what you give your attention to…If you yourself don’t choose what thoughts and images you expose yourself to, someone else will. Epictetus

Above all, don’t lie to yourself. Fyodor Dostoevsky

self respect quotes humor laughter oneself humanity knowledge oneself alan watts wisdom man library books

Just as true humor is laughter at oneself, true humanity is knowledge of oneself. Alan Watts

Every relationship you have is a reflection of your relationship with your self. Deepak Chopra

Make it a goal to see the best in everyone and the best will come back to you. Rhonda Byrne

To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight. E.E. Cummings

True reassurance: not that one’s plans will inevitably work out, but that one’s human worth is not on the line if they don’t. Alain de Botton


To express oneself honestly, not lying to oneself; that, my friend, is very hard to do. Bruce Lee

Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece. Ralph Charell

Be your authentic self, not the person you think other people expect you to be. Payal Kadakia

You’ll stop caring what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do. David Foster Wallace

If everybody loves you, something is wrong. Nobody can please everybody. Paulo Coelho

Part 2. Self-Respect Quotes That Are…

The Most Famous Self-Respect Quotes (Einstein, Franklin, Lao Tzu, etc.)

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self respect quotes cant grow yourself unless know john maxwell wisdom women sitting grass book reading

You can’t grow yourself unless you know yourself. John C. Maxwell

Everyone should be their own biggest fan. Kanye West

Self-respect. It would make me lovable. Susan Sontag

If we lose love and self-respect for each other, this is how we finally die. Maya Angelou

Your sense of self-worth comes from you alone — never the opinion of others. Robert Greene

Be not the slave of your own past – plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with new self-respect, with new power, and with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Success comes from curiosity, concentration, perseverance and self-criticism. Albert Einstein

A man can be himself only so long as he is alone, and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom, for it is only when he is alone that he is really free. Arthur Schopenhauer

self respect quotes while still alive have discover ourselves understand express bruce lee wisdom nature hiking snow mountain person

While we are still alive, we have to discover ourselves, understand ourselves, and express ourselves. Bruce Lee

Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power. Clint Eastwood

We forfeit three quarters of ourselves in order to be like other people. Arthur Schopenhauer

Let thy vices die before thee. Benjamin Franklin

Love your neighbor; yet don’t pull down your hedge. Benjamin Franklin

Deny self for self’s sake. Benjamin Franklin

To be a human being among people and to remain one forever, no matter in what circumstances, not to grow despondent and not to lose heart — that’s what life is all about, that’s its task. Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Only by self-respect will you compel others to respect you. Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Don’t put yourself down just to avoid criticism, to please others, or to show your “kindness”. The world needs light, not mediocrity. Paulo Coelho

We can discover truth for ourselves only when we do not depend on another; no specialist can give us the right answer. Jiddu Krishnamurti

Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric. Bertrand Russell

If you have truly attained wholeness, everything will flock to you. Lao Tzu

Short Self-Respect Quotes

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One-liners, short self-respect quotes, sayings, thoughts, and captions for your bio, social status, self-talk, motto, mantra, signs, posters, wallpapers, and backgrounds.
self respect quotes never trade attention mel robbins wisdom road walking

Never trade respect for attention. Mel Robbins

Stop quitting when it gets hard. Tom Bilyeu

Never lose yourself to find others. @PersistentObser

Self-respect knows no considerations. Mahatma Gandhi

You don’t need perfection, only progress. Maxime Lagacé

If you want to earn respect, just be honest. Preethi Kasireddy

They will call you arrogant for having self-respect. Thibaut

Speak the truth or at least don’t lie. Jordan Peterson

By being kind to ourselves, we become kind to others. Pema Chödrön

The more respect you give to others, the more you earn. Adam Grant

self respect quotes going value you more yourself naval ravikant wisdom woman sitting city

No one is going to value you more than you value yourself. Naval Ravikant

Instead of saving humanity, every person should save himself. Alexander Herzen

Who you are is defined by the values you are willing to struggle for. Mark Manson

Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage. Thucydides


Inspirational Self-Respect Quotes

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self respect quotes who loves world body entrusted empire lao tzu wisdom nature

He who loves the world as his body may be entrusted with the empire. Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching, Amazon book)

The person who deserves your gratitude more than anyone else is you. Rhonda Byrne

Have faith in yourselves, and stand up on that faith and be strong; that is what we need. Swami Vivekananda

Step into the fire of self-discovery. This fire will not burn you, it will only burn what you are not. Mooji

What is truly ambitious is to face life and proceed with quiet confidence in spite of the distractions. Ryan Holiday

Loving yourself isn’t the first step toward accomplishing anything. Many people have accomplished things and still find no peace with themselves. For them, any accomplishment will never be enough. But if you do love yourself, then any accomplishment is like icing on the cake. Thibaut

self respect quotes most important difficult rewarding thing work yourself sven schnieders wisdom nature

The most important, difficult and rewarding thing to work on is yourself. Sven Schnieders

Comfort is what holds you back, being yourself is what sets you free. @trey_wing6

Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work. Adrienne Rich

When you stand up, speak up, and share your truth with kindness and compassion, you empower others to do the same. When you shine, your light illuminates everyone around you. Strengthening your confidence is a gift not only to yourself, but also to the world. Gabby Bernstein

self respect quotes when learn close eyes wait listen silence reveals beautiful thing yourself maxime lagace wisdom nature mountain snow trees

When you learn to close your eyes, wait and listen, silence reveals a beautiful thing: yourself. Maxime Lagacé

Follow your heart. Once you find your deepest passion, work becomes play and learning becomes natural. Maxime Lagacé

Deep Self-Respect Sayings

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self respect quotes better wrong alone than right with herd naval ravikant wisdom nature

Better “wrong” alone than “right” with the herd. Naval Ravikant

A thought is harmless unless we believe it. Byron Katie

If you wanna be liked, your only option is to never speak. Otherwise, get used to being hated. Preethi Kasireddy

Self-knowledge will make you calm. Being calm, you’ll do the right thing. Sometimes, by doing the right thing, you’ll push some people. Do it anyway. Maxime Lagacé

You do not wake up one morning a bad person. It happens by a thousand tiny surrenders of self-respect to self-interest. Robert Brault

Any titles, money, or privilege you inherit are actually hindrances. They delude you into believing you are owed respect. Robert Greene

self respect quotes want successful life respect rule never lie yourself paulo coelho wisdom nature people

If you want to be successful in life, respect one rule: never lie to yourself. Paulo Coelho

Quit wishing you were something different. There’s no mistakes. You’re not faulty. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made. Joel Osteen

The world is full of people who have stopped listening to themselves or have listened only to their neighbors to learn what they ought to do, how they ought to behave, and what the values are that they should be living for. Joseph Campbell (The Power of Myth, Amazon book)

When you do not treat yourself the way you want others to treat you, you can never change the way things are. Rhonda Byrne

Those with high self-esteem and self-knowledge take the plunge and trust. They realize life happens in the river, not the shore. Maxime Lagacé

Show kindness but never expect it. Show authenticity but never expect it. Only the wise are indifferent to things they can’t control. Maxime Lagacé

The very things you cannot bring yourself to consider reveal the lies you have let yourself believe. James Pierce

You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are. Eckhart Tolle

As long as I’m so afraid of being alone, I’ll never be real. I’m hiding from myself. Susan Sontag

Related: 13 Signs It’s Time to Build Some Goddamn Self-Respect (lonerwolf.com)

Wise Self-Respect Sayings

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self respect quotes only true stillness see ourselves most clearly anne scottlin wisdom nature man sitting

Only in true stillness can we see ourselves most clearly. Anne Scottlin

You can only be as authentic as you are self-aware. Susan Campbell

Still your waters. If you’re constantly busy, you can’t learn about yourself. If you don’t learn about yourself, how can you become peaceful? Maxime Lagacé

If we saw someone else treating us the way most of us treat ourselves, we might think them despicably cruel. Alain de Botton

The attentions of others matter to us because we are afflicted by a congenital uncertainty as to our own value, as a result of which affliction we tend to allow others’ appraisals to play a determining role in how we see ourselves. Alain de Botton (Status Anxiety, Amazon book)

Stoicism helps us keep a better ledger of what things are truly worth. It places the highest value on honesty, on self-respect, on tranquility and freedom and security. Ryan Holiday

The most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect, to look at ourselves honestly and gently. Pema Chödrön

self respect quotes self discipline builds meditation ultimate daily zen wisdom nature

Self-discipline builds self-respect. Meditation is the ultimate act of self-discipline. @DailyZen

Question your thoughts. Question your stories. Question your assumptions. Question your opinions. Question your conclusions. Question them all into utter emptiness, stillness and joy. The keys to freedom are in your hands. Use them. Adyashanti

Do I do anything to change myself? You don’t have to do anything. The more you do, the worse it gets. All you have to do is understand. Anthony de Mello

More helpful than any advice is an unflinching examination of oneself. James Pierce

The wisest person in the world is the one who is indifferent to praise and criticism. Maxime Lagacé

Let them call you what they want. You don’t have to play the part they want you to play. Thibaut

Related: How to Build Self-Esteem (6-minute YouTube video by Fight Mediocrity)


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The goal is not to show how great you are to others, but how vulnerable you are to yourself. Maxime Lagacé

Key Takeaways

  • Self-respect is the art of:
    • Listening to yourself
    • Honoring yourself
    • Expressing yourself
  • Self-respect requires self-knowledge
  • Those who have self-respect don’t conform to society
  • The more self-respect you have, the more influence you have on others
  • When you know who you are, you become indifferent to rewards and criticism (and life becomes easier)

Further Readings

Hope you enjoyed these inspiring self-respect quotes. If you did like the quotes, please share them with a friend today!

Do you have self-respect? What’s your favorite self-respect quote? And remember: words can transform your life, if you find the right ones.

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Author Bio

maxime lagace

Maxime Lagacé started collecting quotes in 2004 after he lost his girlfriend in a car accident.

In search of meaning, he dived in the self-improvement world, psychology and trail running.

Books, blogs, quotes and nature became his guide.

He started journaling, reflecting, writing his thoughts, feelings and quotes.

His goal was to understand his pain, his depression, his fears, his lack of motivation and inspiration.

He finished his software engineering degree in 2007 at the École de Technologie Supérieure de Montréal.

A few years later, he started his first website to share his love of quotes.

Maxime is a father of two, husband, and INFJ.

Other notable interests of Maxime are health (mental and physical), meditation, bananas, SEO, human potential, and education.

You can find him on X, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube.

Last update

October 18, 2022

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