75 Ram Dass Quotes (On Self-Love, Relationships, Healing)

By Maxime Lagacé

Maxime is the founder of WisdomQuotes. He has been collecting quotes since 2004. His goal? To help you develop a calm and peaceful mind. Learn more about him on his about page.

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ram dass quotes wisdom
Here are 75 of the best Ram Dass quotes you’ll find online.

What will you learn?

  • The value of serving others
  • The importance of being present
  • How to accelerate your spiritual growth
  • And more!

But first, who was Ram Dass (1931-2019)?

  • He was a Harvard professor
  • He was a spiritual teacher and psychologist
  • He is the author of the classic “Be Here Now

So if you want to live a life with more love, compassion, and inner transformation, I encourage you to read the following quotes.

I guarantee you won’t regret it.


Top 10 Ram Dass Quotes

ram dass quotes quieter become more heart wisdom

The quieter you become, the more you can hear. Ram Dass

The next message you need is always right where you are. Ram Dass

If you want to cure the world, don’t emanate fear – emanate love. Ram Dass

Suffering is the sandpaper of our incarnation. It does its work of shaping us. Ram Dass

ram dass quotes wherever you are all there wisdom

Wherever you are, be all there. Ram Dass

External silence can be the doorway to inner silence. Ram Dass

It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed. Ram Dass

Suffering is part of our training program for becoming wise. Ram Dass

Now is now. Are you going to be here or not? Ram Dass

The resistance to the unpleasant situation is the root of suffering. Ram Dass


Ram Dass Quotes About Self-Love

ram dass quotes compare path anybody unique wisdom

Don’t compare your path with anybody else’s. Your path is unique to you. Ram Dass

Only when I know who I am will I know what is possible. Ram Dass

If somebody is a problem for you, it’s not that they should change, it’s that you need to change. If they’re a problem for themselves that’s their karma, if they’re causing you trouble that’s your problem with yourself. Ram Dass

Who you think you are each day, completely determines the universe you live in. Ram Dass

Getting caught up in memories of the past or worrying about the future is a form of self-imposed suffering. Ram Dass

We must be very compassionate with ourselves, and each time just center again, quiet again and begin again. Ram Dass

The soul is composed of love, compassion, wisdom, peace, and joy. Those are all in us. Ram Dass

You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success – none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here. Ram Dass


Ram Dass Quotes About Relationships

ram dass quotes listening quiet mind open heart wisdom

The art of listening comes from a quiet mind and an open heart. Ram Dass

It is up to the most conscious person in the situation to break the chain of reactivity. Ram Dass

Look at the people you don’t love and see them as an exercise for you to open your heart. Ram Dass

Be patient. You’ll know when it’s time for you to wake up and move ahead. Ram Dass

In most of our human relationships, we spend much of our time reassuring one another that our costumes of identity are on straight. Ram Dass

You just love until you and the beloved become one. Ram Dass

My work as a human being is to quiet my mind, open my heart and do what I can to relieve the suffering with as much wisdom, skill, whatever I got. Ram Dass

If I go into the place in myself that is love, and you go into the place in yourself that is love, we are together in love. Then you and I are truly in love, the state of being love. Ram Dass

The gift you offer another person is just your being. Ram Dass

I don’t care whether the world’s going to end tomorrow or it’s going to go on forever. I’m still going to do the same thing I do every day which is to love, serve, remember, love, serve, remember, love, serve, remember. Ram Dass

We’re all just walking each other home. Ram Dass



Ram Dass Quotes About Healing

ram dass quotes shadow greatest teacher light wisdom

The shadow is the greatest teacher for how to come to the light. Ram Dass

Wherever you are, be it at the beginning of the journey, well on your way, or resting comfortably at some height, you must acknowledge where you are, for that is the key to further growth. Ram Dass

Healing does not mean going back to the way things were before, but rather allowing what is now to move us closer to God. Ram Dass

This is the pathless path. Where the journey leads is to the deepest truth in you. It is really just returning to where you were initially before you got lost. Ram Dass

Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it. Ram Dass

ram dass quotes everything your life vehicle transformation wisdom

Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it! Ram Dass

Emotions are like waves. Watch them disappear in the distance on the vast calm ocean. Ram Dass

Your work is only on yourself, not on others. Their karma is their karma. You’re picking it up as you’re picking it up, and what it’s doing is resonating with a place in you that is caught around that issue. Ram Dass

When you begin to meditate you may notice changes right away. Or nothing much may seem to change. Don’t count on anything dramatic. Most changes happen slowly. Ram Dass

I help people as a way to work on myself, and I work on myself to help people… To me, that’s what the emerging game is all about. Ram Dass

Suffering only shows where you are attached. That is why, to those on the path, suffering is grace. Ram Dass

Ram Dass Quotes About Peace

ram dass quotes game where you are honestly wisdom

The game is to be where you are. Be it honestly and as consciously as you know how. Ram Dass

If you think you’re enlightened go spend a week with your family. Ram Dass

Learn to watch your drama unfold while at the same time knowing you are more than your drama. Ram Dass

As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can’t see how it is. Ram Dass

I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion – and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies. Ram Dass

Pleasure and happiness is not the business I’m in. I’m in the business of freedom. It’s very different. Ram Dass

Our thinking minds deprive us of the happiness that comes when we are living fully in the moment. Ram Dass

If you want oneness in society, you have to teach people to go inside instead of going outside, because if they want peace, they need to find it within. Ram Dass

When you want to become free, your righteousness and anger are much less interesting than they used to be. Ram Dass

A feeling of aversion or attachment toward something is your clue that there’s work to be done. Ram Dass

Intellect is the power tool of our separateness. The intuitive, compassionate heart is the doorway to our unity. Ram Dass

As gratitude grows, it gives rise to joy. We experience the courage to rejoice in our own good fortune, and that of others. Joy gladdens the heart. Ram Dass

I see my life as an unfolding set of opportunities to awaken. Ram Dass


Short Quotes By Ram Dass

ram dass quotes death reminder live fully wisdom

Death is a reminder to live fully. Ram Dass

Be here now. Ram Dass

Our plans never turn out as tasty as reality. Ram Dass

We are already free, we’re just busy being stuck. Ram Dass

When you know how to listen everyone is the guru. Ram Dass

Just try, try to be right here, open, honest, straight. Ram Dass

I think the game is to bear the unbearable with a giggle. Ram Dass

The heart surrenders everything to the moment. The mind judges and holds back. Ram Dass

Let’s trade in all our judging for appreciating. Ram Dass

Don’t take yourself so personally. Ram Dass

Don’t think about the past. Just be here now. Ram Dass

More Ram Dass Quotes

ram dass quotes only one consciousness forms wisdom

There is only one of us. One consciousness manifesting into different forms. Ram Dass

Don’t cling to whatever plane of reality you’re in, including this one, because a free being is not bound by any plane of reality whatsoever. Ram Dass

When someone we love dies, we get so busy mourning what died that we ignore what didn’t. Ram Dass

From the soul’s point of view, you come to appreciate that each one of us is living out his or her own karma. We interact together, and those interactions are the grist for each other’s mill of awakening. Ram Dass

My understanding of the way a child grows is that you create the garden, you don’t grow the flower. You can merely fertilize the earth and keep it soft and moist, and then the flower grows as best it can. Ram Dass

If I’m going to die, the best way to prepare is to quiet my mind and open my heart. If I’m going to live, the best way to prepare for it is to quiet my mind and open my heart. Ram Dass

Creativity springs from the yearning to be the fullness of who you are. Ram Dass

Faith is what is left after all your beliefs have been blown to hell. Ram Dass

Information is just bits of data. Knowledge is putting them together. Wisdom is transcending them. Ram Dass

As you dissolve into love, your ego fades. You’re not thinking about loving; you’re just being love, radiating like the sun. Ram Dass

Key Takeaways

  • Be more silent. Ram Dass said that being silent helps us quiet the mind and connect with our true self. It’s a way to find peace and tune into the spiritual essence of life. “the quieter you become, the more you can hear”
  • Be more present. Ram Dass believed that being present is essential for living a meaningful life. He emphasized the importance of focusing on the here and now, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. “wherever you are, be all there.”
  • Be you (don’t compare). Ram Dass said that being “you” means embracing your true self beyond the ego, labels, and societal roles. By being “you,” you can live a more authentic, meaningful, and fulfilling life. “Don’t compare your path with anybody else’s. Your path is unique to you.”
  • Help others more (and listen to them). Ram Dass believed that service to others is a path to spiritual growth. By truly listening to others, we can learn valuable lessons and connect more deeply. “The art of listening comes from a quiet mind and an open heart”
  • Accept more. Ram Dass encouraged letting go of resistance to life’s challenges and trusting that everything is part of your spiritual journey. Acceptance, for him, is a path to inner peace and freedom. “the shadow is the greatest teacher for how to come to the light”.

Visual For Ram Dass

ram dass quotes hurry enjoy moments visual circles wisdom

Be here now. Ram Dass

Every once in a while, do you just like to take your time with what you’re doing? Fred Rogers

Rushing or hurrying is creating what you don’t want. Relax. Rhonda Byrne

Enjoying the ride to happiness, is happiness. Maxime Lagacé

Further Readings

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Author Bio

maxime lagace

Maxime Lagacé started collecting quotes in 2004 after he lost his girlfriend in a car accident.

In search of meaning, he dived in the self-improvement world, psychology and trail running.

Books, blogs, quotes and nature became his guide.

He started journaling, reflecting, writing his thoughts, feelings and quotes.

His goal was to understand his pain, his depression, his fears, his lack of motivation and inspiration.

He finished his software engineering degree in 2007 at the École de Technologie Supérieure de Montréal.

A few years later, he started his first website to share his love of quotes.

Maxime is a father of two, husband, and INFJ.

Other notable interests of Maxime are health (mental and physical), meditation, bananas, SEO, human potential, and education.

You can find him on X, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube.

Last update

September 16, 2024

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